Ovulation_Induction (OI)- Dr. Ankita’s Fertility Center

Ovulation_Induction (OI)

Various oral and injectable hormonal preparations are used for ovulation induction. Your fertility treatment depends on factors like ovarian reserve, planned procedure (timed intercourse, IUI, ICSI, IVF), and other conditions like PCOS or previous ovarian surgery. Factors such as ovarian reserve, planned procedure, and other conditions like PCOS or previous ovarian surgery determine fertility treatment.

Ovulation Induction

The dose also depends on your weight, and BMI at the time of the treatment.

Ovulation induction agents

  • Oral – Tablets – Clomiphene Citrate, Letrozole
  •  Injectable – HMG ( Urinary/ Highly Purified): Recombinant hormones.

Duration of Ovulation Induction 

It starts on day 2 or day 3 of your menses ( periods); usually, continues for the next 12 days.
Usually, by day 14/15 the developing follicles reach a size enough to Harbour a mature oocyte ( egg).

What can go wrong with my Ovulation Induction cycle?

  • Poor response: There might be less than 3 developing follicles in total.
  •  Ovulation Hyperstimulation Syndrome ( OHSS): too many developing follicles usually seen in PCOS/ PCOD patients
  • Empty follicles: Even if we see a good number of developing follicles, they might not yield any oocyte ( egg) for reasons not known.

Do Ovulation Induction drugs have any side effects?

Ovulation induction drugs stimulate egg production in the ovaries. Aiding fertility treatments like timed intercourse, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures.

After the 7th – 8th day of injections, you might start feeling heaviness in the lower part of your tummy.
Some experience back pain, Premenstrual symptoms, breast pain, pain in legs, weakness
Can take symptomatic treatment.

Which cases need OI?

  • Anovulatory cycles ( women who do not release an egg every menstrual cycle).
  •  Unexplained Infertility.
  •  Cases for IVF / ICSI
  •  Women with mild ovulation disturbances.

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